A Resolution of the General Assembly of the Green Party of California, April 30th, 2011
To promote the safety of all Californians and our fellow living beings, and to protect our natural environment, the Green Party of California calls for the immediate closure and decommissioning of the state's nuclear power plants at Diablo Canyon and San Onofre.
The Fukushima nuclear power plant catastrophe in Japan is a wake up call for all Californians that this energy source is neither safe nor sustainable.
The entire nuclear power life cycle is already fraught with inherent risk and is multiplied by the possibility of human error.
If we have learned anything from the earthquake and tsunami in Japan, it's that Mother Nature can act on a scale and manner that we cannot always contemplate or prepare for. Both Diablo Canyon and San Onofre are built near earthquake faults and next to the ocean. This presents unacceptable risk.
Instead of pursuing dangerous energy paths like nuclear and fossil fuels that have already been shown to lead to large scale environmental disaster, the Green Party stands for more environmentally sound energy paths based upon efficiency, conservation and the distributed generation of renewable energy sources like solar and wind.
The Green Party opposes the renewal of the operating licenses of both plants and calls upon Governor Brown and the legislature to take the necessary steps to bring about the immediate closure and decommissioning of the state's nuclear power plants at Diablo Canyon and San Onofre.
The Green Party's resolution calling for the closure of the state's nuclear power plants is read by state party spokesperson Michael Feinstein, flanked by Greens Carol Brouilet, Barry Hermanson and Marnie Glickman. Filmed in San Francisco May 1st by Rich Stone on an iPhone.
"Nuclear? no thanks" graphic by Maine Green Asher Platts. He makes t-shirts with this on it.