GPCA Delegation to the Green National Committee of the Green Party of the United States

The Green Party of the United States (GPUS) is a federation of state Green Parties including the Green Party of California. The GPUS National Committee is the highest decision-making body of the Green Party of the United States.
The GPUS Delegation of the Green Party of California consists of 17 Delegates and 17 Alternates elected in staggered 2-year terms, who are authorized to represent the interests of the GPCA on the National Committee of the Green Party of the United States according to the Article 11 of the GPCA Bylaws. The Delegation members are responsible to and are elected by the GPCA General Assembly with an online vote to two-year staggered terms.

Contact the Delegation Coordinators with any questions and to learn more about the GPUS Delegation.

  • Delegation Internal Procedures
  • GPCA Delegates to the PNC
  • Delegates serving on

    GPUS Committees

  • Delegation membership archives, vote results and voting history
  • GPUS Caucuses
  • -----------

    Delegates for the terms 2024-2026:
    Bill Balderston
    Gary Blenner
    Sean Dougherty
    Richard Gomez
    Tarik Kanaana
    Peggy Koteen
    Susan Lamont
    Don Manro
    Nadia Nouri
    Justin Richardson
    Josefina Santiago
    Rich Stone

    Delegates for the terms 2023-2025::
    Mike Cordova
    Rick Greenblatt
    Greg Jan
    Rohan Sabnis
    David Grover
    Orlando Johnson
    Cynthia Santiago
    Ann Garrison
    Ava Kermani
    Jared Laiti
    James McFadden

    Alternates for the terms 2024-2026::
    Don Macleay
    Donna Pulling
    Pamela Spevack
    Lindsay Vurek

    Alternate for the terms 2023-2025::
    Jonn Louis Mann