GPCA General Assembly Los Angeles Draft Agenda
Friday December 2nd
1:00pm Green Parties of the West 2012 presidential strategy/organizing planning retreat
6:00pm Coordinating Committee gathers for on-site dinner
7:30pm Coordinating Committee business meeting begins
7:30pm Concurrent evening program on site, topic to be determined
Saturday December 3rd
9:00am Opening, new delegate orientation, consent calendar, any other minor business
10:00am Election: GPUS Delegation delegates and alternates
10:15am Presentation: Coordinating Committee election: candidates make statements before on-line vote begins after GA
10:30am Proposal: Change fiscal year from May 1st to April 30th, to July 1st to June 30th (Coordinating Committee/Finance Committee)
11:00am Proposal: Budget for remainder of new FY2011-2012 through June 30th (Budget Committee)
12:15pm Lunch
1:15pm Proposal: Budget for remainder of new FY2011-2012 through June 30th (Budget Committee)
3:00pm Breakout sessions
4:15pm Proposal: Establish Fiscal Policy
5:15pm Presentation: Update on Prop 14/SB 6
6:15pm Dinner on site
7:30pm Evening Program on site, topic to be determined
Sunday December 4th
9:00am Breakout sessions
10:15am Proposal: Amendment to Campaign Fund Support Committee Policies and Procedures in GPCA Bylaws Appendix B (GPUS Delegation)
10:40am Proposal: Policies and Procedures for Selection and Conduct of GPCA Delegates to the GPUS Presidential Nominating Convention (Campaigns & Candidates Working Group)
11:15am Discussion: Strategic Plan Brainstorming Session (Coordinating Committee, as per GPCA Bylaws 7-1.13 Work Plan "The CC shall establish a two-year strategic plan annually, using input from a brainstorming plenary session and draft work plans from the standing committees and working groups. The proposed plan shall be presented and affirmed at the subsequent General Assembly.")
12:30pm Lunch
1:30pm One more agenda item? Or a continuation of the Strategic Plan Brainstorming Session?
2:30pm Breakout sessions
3:45pm Confirmation of Standing Committee and Working Group Co-Coordinators (GPCA Bylaws 6-1.9 Coordinators)
4:00pm Closing session, followed by walk to neighborhood park