GPCA Ballot Statement

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Green Party

Amidst climate change and historic income inequality, the Green Party stands for green energy and people power. Voting Green means:

• a state bank to invest in California, not Wall Street

• publicly-owned clean, safe energy - solar and wind by distributed generation, not centralized nuclear and fossil fuels

• money out of politics, public financing of elections, ending corporate personhood

• people into politics, proportional representation, fair ballot access

• fair taxation - instead of cutting funding for schools and clinics, cut workers' taxes while taxing pollution, carbon and the rich

• living wage jobs, affordable housing, legal marriages and single-payer health care for all

• liveable cities, sustainable agriculture, nature protection

• immigrants rights

• peace not war

With enough Greens elected, we'll

• fully fund K-12, roll-back college/university tuition towards universal free public education

• end the death penalty, amend Three-Strikes, overturn the National Defense Authorization Act which allows indefinite detention of Americans without trial

• keep renters and homeowners secure, reform Proposition 13 to close corporate loopholes

• close Diablo Canyon and San Onofre and create a Solar California

Occupy your government. Vote Green.

• Green Party of California

• P.O. Box 485

• San Francisco, CA 94104

• (916) 448-3437

